Customs Procedure Codes (CPC) are used to identify the Customs regimes to which goods are being entered and from which they have been removed. The CPC signals to the system whether the declaration is for an import, an export, transit, or any other circumstance possible in a Customs environment. The Code identifies to the system how the data input from the declaration is to be handled and how the declaration is to be processed.
Model of declaration is a table that links each CPC to the import or export declaration model. By using this link, the descriptions on screen (and on the declaration) take an import or export format.
The model of declaration screen allows description of the model type to be defined for display to users. For example, IM4 is for Import declaration, direct import and sets an alphanumeric character as a prefix for the reference and assessment numbering series.
Please note the following:
BG 4 and IMS 4 models are for Customs official use only. The BG 4 model is used for passenger’s baggage and postal packages which are un-manifested. The IMS 4 is used at all other customs stations to facilitate manifested personal packages of a non-commercial nature.
Models of Declaration | ||
BG 4 |
Goods entered as non-commercial passenger baggage |
customs use only |
EX 1 |
exportation |
EX 2 |
temporary export |
EX 3 |
re-export |
EX 8 |
transit to export |
EX 9 |
other export procedures |
EXW 3 |
CIMS re-export from warehouse |
IM 4 |
entry for home use |
IM 5 |
temporary import |
IM 6 |
re-importation |
IM 7 |
entry for warehousing |
IM 9 |
other import procedures |
IMS 4 |
short entry for non-commercial use |
customs and courier |
TR 7 |
CIMS Transfer of warehouse goods |
WH 4 |
CIMS entry ex-warehouse for home use |
The first numeric character of the CPC signifies the general procedure code. This is an internationally agreed standard –
The Requested procedure is the first and second digits of the extended procedure. It defines the procedure to which the goods on the declaration are to be subjected to at this time.
The Previous procedure is the third and fourth digits of the extended procedure. It defines the last procedure to which the goods on the declaration had been subjected (if any).
Extended procedure is the name for the 4-digit CPC. The extended procedure is the combined requested procedure and previous procedure in a 4-digit format. Entering the requested procedure and selecting a previous procedure, creates the extended procedure. If there is no previous procedure, code 00 is added to the requested procedure to create the extended procedure.
Users are asked to note the Use of following Commonly Used Extended Procedure Codes:
Full Listing of Extended codes | |
1000 |
Direct permanent export |
1021 |
Permanent Export after TE for return in an unaltered sate |
1022 |
Permanent Export after TE for outward processing. |
2100 |
Temporary Export for return in an unaltered state |
2200 |
Temporary Export for outward processing. |
2300 |
Temporary Export for Repairs |
3000 |
Direct Re-Exportation |
3051 |
Re-export after temporary import |
3052 |
Re-export after customs inward processing procedure |
3070 |
Re-export after warehousing from a private warehouse |
3071 |
Re-export after customs warehousing procedure from a duty-free shop |
4000 |
Direct entry for home use |
4051 |
Entry for home use after TI for return in an unaltered state |
4052 |
Entry for home use after TI for inward processing |
4070 |
Entry for Home use after warehousing from a private warehouse |
4071 |
Entry for home use after Customs warehousing proc from duty free shop |
4100 |
Payment of Duties on items previously relieved of duties |
4141 |
Post entry - Additional item(s) after exit of goods |
4142 |
Post Entry - Returning Nationals Additional Items after release |
4143 |
Post Entry - Items Incorrectly Declared and or Classified |
4200 |
Entry for home use for non-commercial and passenger baggage |
4300 |
Conditional Duty Exemptions |
4370 |
Goods Ex-Warehouse Private: Entered for home use: Condit. Duty Exemptions |
4371 |
Goods Ex- Duty-Free Shop Entered for home use: Cond. Duty Exemptions |
4400 |
Goods entered for Home Use under Fiscal Incentive Act |
4470 |
Goods Ex-Private Warehouse entered Under Fiscal Incentive Act |
4471 |
Goods Ex-Duty-Free Shop Entered Under Fiscal Inventive Act |
4500 |
Goods Entered under other legislation or enactment relieved of duties |
4570 |
Goods Entered Ex- Private Warehouse under other legislative or enactment |
4700 |
Entry for Home use Relieved of Duties/Taxes Under Cabinet Conclusion |
4770 |
Goods Ex-Priv. Warehouse Entered for Home use Under Cabinet Conclusion |
4771 |
Goods Ex-Duty-Free Shop Entered for Home Use Under Cabinet Conclusion |
4900 |
Direct imports under drawback procedure |
5100 |
Temporary import for return in unaltered state. |
5200 |
Temporary import for customs inward processing procedure |
6000 |
6010 |
Re-Importation After Outright Exportation |
6021 |
Reimport after TE for return in an unaltered state |
6022 |
Reimport after TE for customs outward processing |
6023 |
Re-Importation After Repairs |
7000 |
Direct entry for customs warehousing into a private warehouse |
7070 |
Transfer of goods from a Private Warehouse to another |
7071 |
Goods transferred from a duty-free shop to a private warehouse |
7100 |
Direct entry for customs warehousing procedure into a duty-free shop |
7170 |
Goods transfer from a private warehouse to duty free shop |
7171 |
Transfer of goods from a Duty-Free Shop to another |
8100 |
Through Transit: From One Office of Entry to Another Office of Exit |
8200 |
Transhipment: Within Seaport or Airport |
9000 |
Direct Supplies for Ship and Aircraft Stores |
9070 |
Supplies for Ship and Aircraft; From Private warehouse |
9071 |
Supplies for Ship and Aircraft; From Duty Free Shop |
9100 |
Goods Sold in Auction |
9200 |
Destruction of Goods Before Customs Clearance |
9370 |
Destruction of Goods After Warehousing in Private Warehouse |
9371 |
Destruction of Goods After Warehousing in Duty Free Shop |
The Additional codes are national defined codes which provide extra divisions beyond the four-digit CPC level. They are used for a number of purposes. For example, to activate agreements or concessions/exemptions that link particular Importers and Commodity codes to special control or taxation treatment/arrangements.
Where the additional Code begins with;
Specific Additional Codes commonly used | |
710 |
Transfer of goods into a warehouse or duty-free shop |
800-802 |
Certified Entries |
820-821 |
Temporary Importation |
822 |
Goods Re-Imported in unaltered state relief of 100% of all duties |
825 |
Goods Re-Imported after outright Exportation not liable to duty |
830 |
Transshipment goods CSC Relief |
900 |
Human Remains |
A10-A11 |
Farmers Vehicle imported under Concession |
A20-A21 |
Fertilizers, seeds and Seedlings imported as agriculture inputs |
C01 |
Parliamentarians Vehicle Concession |
C05, C06, C09 |
Special Christmas Barrels Concession |
C07 |
Computer Equipment and Accessories Concession |
G10 |
Senior Public Servants Vehicle Concession |
P01 |
Removal Goods Household Effects Exemption |
P10 |
Returning Nationals 75% Vehicle Concession |
P11 |
Returning Nationals House Hold Effects Concession |
W55-W57 |
Fishing Pirogues Imported under Cabinet or Ministerial Concession |
Full Listing of all Possible CPCs with Additional Codes:
Description |
Direct Permanent Export - Common Regime |
1000 |
000 |
Direct Permanent Export - Human Remains |
1000 |
900 |
Permanent Export after TE for return in an unaltered state - Common |
1021 |
000 |
Permanent Export after TE for outward processing. - Common |
1022 |
000 |
Note: EXT.CODE stands for Extended Code while ADD.CODE stands for Additional Code
Description |
Temporary Export for return in an unaltered state - Common Regime |
2100 |
000 |
Temporary Export for outward processing. - Common Regime |
2200 |
000 |
Temporary Export for Repairs - Common Regime |
2300 |
000 |
Description |
Direct Re-Exportation - Common Regime |
3000 |
000 |
Re-export after temporary import - Common Regime |
3051 |
000 |
Re-export after customs inward processing procedure - Common |
3052 |
000 |
Re-export after warehousing from a private warehouse - Common |
3070 |
000 |
Re-export after customs warehousing procedure from a duty-free shop- Common Regime |
3071 |
000 |
Description |
Direct entry for home use - Common Regime |
4000 |
000 |
Certified Entry for goods short shipped |
4000 |
800 |
Certified Entry for goods Short landed |
4000 |
801 |
Certified Entry for goods Short packed |
4000 |
802 |
Direct entry for home use - Human Remains |
4000 |
900 |
Entry for home use after TI for return in an unaltered state - Common Regime |
4051 |
000 |
Entry for home use after TI for inward processing - Common Regime |
4052 |
000 |
Entry for Home use after warehousing from a private warehouse- Common Regime |
4070 |
000 |
Entry for Home use after warehousing from a private warehouse- Mustique Petroleum for Home Owners Dutiable |
4070 |
752 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of IMPORT DUTY, EXCISE & VAT |
4070 |
W27 |
Entry for home use after Customs warehousing proc from duty free shop - Common Regime |
4071 |
000 |
Payment of Duties on items previously relieved of duties - Common Regime |
4100 |
000 |
Description |
ADD. |
Common regime |
4200 |
000 |
Vat exempt goods under the VAT act no. 25 of 2007 |
4200 |
L35 |
Vat zero rated goods under the VAT act no. 25 of 2007 |
4200 |
L36 |
Unsolicited goods imported value <= $EC 130 -VAT exempt |
4200 |
P20 |
Description |
Agr: animals for breeding, poultry eggs f/hatching, semen for insem. |
4300 |
A01 |
Agr: beehives & bee-keeping accessories |
4300 |
A02 |
Agr: tools & implements includ. those driven by mechanical forces |
4300 |
A03 |
Agr: fencing wire as desc. in heading 73.13,73.14,74.13, 74.14 |
4300 |
A04 |
Agr: tractor tyres & tubes for agricultural purposes |
4300 |
A05 |
Agr: apparatus incl. storage tanks & water pipes for spraying & irrigat |
4300 |
A06 |
Agr: remedies for disease/prevention insect attack on plants/livestock |
4300 |
A07 |
Agr: medicinal preps, biological products f/treatment of animal disease |
4300 |
A08 |
Agr: fertilizers imported as agricultural inputs -VAT exempt |
4300 |
A20 |
Dip: diplomatic missions or consulate & members, goods imported for |
4300 |
D01 |
Dip: international organizations & their personnel, goods imported for |
4300 |
D02 |
Edu: for educational institutions supplies, equipment, instruments, etc |
4300 |
E01 |
Edu: for cultural institutions supplies, equip, instruments & apparatus |
4300 |
E02 |
Edu: materials for the construction, renovation & extension of institute |
4300 |
E03 |
Edu: equipment & supplies for sports |
4300 |
E04 |
Edu: academic robes admitted as such by dir. general of finance |
4300 |
E05 |
Fish: fishing nets & gear & sail material including thread |
4300 |
F01 |
Fish: fishing lines, hooks & lures, seine twine, fish wire, etc. |
4300 |
F02 |
Fish: desk equipment, line & pot haulers, capstans, winches, trolling etc |
4300 |
F03 |
Fish: life-saving equipment, life-jackets, life buoys, buoyant, etc. |
4300 |
F04 |
Fish: Up to 115HP Outboard Engine 75% waiver IDUTY & VAT |
4300 |
F07 |
Gov: central government, goods imported by -directly |
4300 |
G01 |
Gov: municipality, local gov or other public body, goods imported for |
4300 |
G02 |
Gov: head of state, goods imported by or for the use of |
4300 |
G03 |
Gov: prime minister, goods imported by or for the use of |
4300 |
G04 |
Gov: contractual agreements, goods imported for |
4300 |
G05 |
Gov: statutory bodies, goods imported for |
4300 |
G06 |
Gov: contractual agreements CSC & VAT Payable |
4300 |
G07 |
Gov: contractual agreement CSC Payable |
4300 |
G08 |
Gov: central government, goods imported on behalf-indirectly |
4300 |
G09 |
Gov: contractual agreement 75% Waiver ICD, EXC & VAT: CSC Payable in Full |
4300 |
G11 |
Gov: central government Direct Imports |
4300 |
G12 |
Gov: contractual agreement 100% Relieve on all Taxes & CSC |
4300 |
G13 |
Gov: contractual agreement 100% all Taxes VAT Payable |
4300 |
G14 |
Gov: contractual agreement 100% all Taxes, SURTAX Payable |
4300 |
G16 |
Health: equipment & vehicles, drugs, medical, surgical & lab supplies |
4300 |
H01 |
Health: materials f/construction, furnishing, etc. of hospitals & vets |
4300 |
H02 |
Health: hearing aids, crutches, wheelchairs, etc for the disabled & blind |
4300 |
H03 |
Health: to her goods for the mentally impaired or phys. disabled |
4300 |
H04 |
Health: medical preparations, drugs & appl. to treat diabetes & hypertension |
4300 |
H05 |
Health: tools of trade for the disabled |
4300 |
H06 |
Health: ambulances |
4300 |
H07 |
Ind: packaging material |
4300 |
I04 |
Ind: material & equipment for forestry |
4300 |
I06 |
Ind: material & equipment for mining |
4300 |
I07 |
Mil: military forces, goods imported by or for the use of |
4300 |
M01 |
Mil: arms, ammunition, uniforms accouterments & equipment, etc |
4300 |
M02 |
Removal goods, personal & household effects |
4300 |
P01 |
Personal effects of common market nationals who have died abroad |
4300 |
P02 |
Travel goods, accompanied baggage, instruments & tools |
4300 |
P03 |
Air: aircraft & their component parts, accessories & instruments |
4300 |
R01 |
Air: ground & technical equipment |
4300 |
R02 |
Air: fuel & lubricants taken out of bond |
4300 |
R03 |
Air: consumable stores for use in aircraft in flight |
4300 |
R04 |
Shp: boat equipment for commercial shipping |
4300 |
S01 |
Shp: navigational equipment for commercial shipping |
4300 |
S02 |
Shp: sail canvas & sail material for commercial shipping |
4300 |
S03 |
Shp: marine engines as approved by cabinet |
4300 |
S04 |
Shp: boats as approved by cabinet |
4300 |
S05 |
Hot: building materials for 1st installation |
4300 |
T01 |
Hot: building materials for renovation & extension |
4300 |
T02 |
Hot: equipment & appliances for initial equipping |
4300 |
T03 |
Hot: equipment & appliances for renovation or extension |
4300 |
T04 |
Tou: sports recreational equipment incl. windsurfing & diving |
4300 |
T05 |
Tou: sail canvas & materials for yachting & sailing boats |
4300 |
T06 |
Tou: Tourism Non-Vat Payable |
4300 |
T07 |
Hot: Construction Order ICD & VAT Exempt |
4300 |
T08 |
Radio & TV broadcasting instruments, equipment & materials |
4300 |
V01 |
Amateur radio equipment |
4300 |
V02 |
Sea island cotton goods bearing trade mark |
4300 |
V03 |
Patterns & samples rendered un-merchantable |
4300 |
V04 |
Advertising material having no commercial value |
4300 |
V05 |
Honorary distinctions/prizes -cups, medals, trophies, etc. |
4300 |
V06 |
Artificial flowers, miniature flags, buttons, emblems, etc. |
4300 |
V07 |
Government contracts -materials, vehicles, equipment |
4300 |
V08 |
Economic development assistance -goods free of charge for |
4300 |
V09 |
Religious denominations -decorations, vestments, alter bread & wine |
4300 |
V10 |
Articles for religious worship -vat exempt |
4300 |
V11 |
Containers/coverings in which goods not liable to ad-valorem duty |
4300 |
V12 |
Uniforms & equipment for boy scouts/girl scouts & brigade assocs. |
4300 |
V13 |
Meteorological observ, scientific, medical -goods imported for |
4300 |
V14 |
Charitable, welfare or service -goods imported for |
4300 |
V15 |
Protective clothing & equipment for industry |
4300 |
V16 |
Archeological sites & artifacts -goods imported for recovery & restore |
4300 |
V17 |
Clothing donated for indigent school children |
4300 |
V18 |
Specimens illustrative or natural history |
4300 |
V19 |
Firefighting & detecting equipment, vehicles, materials, etc. |
4300 |
V20 |
Films, filmstrips, microfilms & sound recordings for educ/sci/cultural |
4300 |
V21 |
Tombstones & memorials engraved |
4300 |
V22 |
Disaster relief & rehabilitation goods |
4300 |
V23 |
Agr: animals for breeding, poultry eggs f/hatching, semen for insem. |
4370 |
A01 |
Agr: beehives & bee-keeping accessories |
4370 |
A02 |
Agr: tools & implements includ. those driven by mechanical forces |
4370 |
A03 |
Agr: fencing wire as desc. in heading 73.13,73.14,74.13, 74.14 |
4370 |
A04 |
Agr: tractor tyres & tubes for agricultural purposes |
4370 |
A05 |
Agr: apparatus incl. storage tanks & water pipes for spraying & irrigat |
4370 |
A06 |
Agr: remedies for disease/prevention insect attack on plants/livestock |
4370 |
A07 |
Agr: medicinal preps, biological products f/treatment of animal disease |
4370 |
A08 |
Dip: diplomatic missions or consulate & members, goods imported for |
4370 |
D01 |
Dip: international organizations & their personnel, goods imported for |
4370 |
D02 |
Edu: for educational institutions supplies, equipment, instruments, etc |
4370 |
E01 |
Edu: for cultural institutions supplies, equip, instruments & apparatus |
4370 |
E02 |
Edu: materials for the construction, renovation & extension of institut |
4370 |
E03 |
Edu: equipment & supplies for sports |
4370 |
E04 |
Edu: academic robes admitted as such by dir. general of finance |
4370 |
E05 |
Fsh: fishing nets & gear & sail material including thread |
4370 |
F01 |
Fsh: fishing lines, hooks & lures, seine twine, fish wire, etc. |
4370 |
F02 |
Fsh: desk equipment, line & pot haulers, capstans, winches, trolling etc |
4370 |
F03 |
Fsh: life-saving equipment, life-jackets, life buoys, buoyant, etc. |
4370 |
F04 |
Fsh: outboard, inboard marine engines vat exempt |
4370 |
F05 |
Fsh: Up to 115HP Outboard Engine 75% waiver I. DUTY & VAT |
4370 |
F07 |
Gov: central government, goods imported by -directly |
4370 |
G01 |
Gov: municipality, local gov or other public body, goods imported for |
4370 |
G02 |
Gov: head of state, goods imported by or for the use of |
4370 |
G03 |
Gov: prime minister, goods imported by or for the use of |
4370 |
G04 |
Gov: contractual agreements, goods imported for |
4370 |
G05 |
Gov: statutory bodies, goods imported for |
4370 |
G06 |
Gov: contractual agreements CSC & VAT Payable |
4370 |
G07 |
Gov: contractual agreement CSC Payable |
4370 |
G08 |
Gov: central government, goods imported on behalf-indirectly |
4370 |
G09 |
Gov: contractual agreement 75% Waiver ICD, EXC & VAT: CSC Payable in Full |
4370 |
G11 |
Gov: contractual agreement 100% Relieve on all Taxes & CSC |
4370 |
G13 |
Gov: contractual agreement 100% all Taxes VAT Payable |
4370 |
G14 |
Gov: contractual agreement 100% all Taxes, SURTAX Payable |
4370 |
G16 |
Health: equipment & vehicles, drugs, medical, surgical & lab supplies |
4370 |
H01 |
Health: materials f/construction, furnishing, etc. of hospitals & vets |
4370 |
H02 |
Health: hearing aids, crutches, wheelchairs, etc for the disabled & blind |
4370 |
H03 |
Health: to her goods for the mentally impaired or phys. disabled |
4370 |
H04 |
Health: medical preparations, drugs & appl. to treat diabetes & hypertension |
4370 |
H05 |
Health: tools of trade for the disabled |
4370 |
H06 |
Health: ambulances |
4370 |
I06 |
Ind: material & equipment for forestry |
4370 |
I07 |
Mil: military forces, goods imported by or for the use of |
4370 |
M01 |
Mil: arms, ammunition, uniforms accouterments & equipment, etc |
4370 |
M02 |
Removal goods, personal & household effects |
4370 |
P01 |
Personal effects of common market nationals who have died abroad |
4370 |
P02 |
Travel goods, accompanied baggage, instruments & tools |
4370 |
P03 |
Air: aircraft & their component parts, accessories & instruments |
4370 |
R01 |
Air: ground & technical equipment |
4370 |
R02 |
Air: fuel & lubricants taken out of bond |
4370 |
R03 |
Air: consumable stores for use in aircraft in flight |
4370 |
R04 |
Shp: boat equipment for commercial shipping |
4370 |
S01 |
Shp: navigational equipment for commercial shipping |
4370 |
S02 |
Shp: sail canvas & sail material for commercial shipping |
4370 |
S03 |
Shp: marine engines as approved by cabinet |
4370 |
S04 |
Shp: boats as approved by cabinet |
4370 |
S05 |
Hot: building materials for 1st installation |
4370 |
T01 |
Hot: building materials for renovation & extension |
4370 |
T02 |
Hot: equipment & appliances for initial equipping |
4370 |
T03 |
Hot: equipment & appliances for renovation or extension |
4370 |
T04 |
Tou: sports recreational equipment incl. windsurfing & diving |
4370 |
T05 |
Tou: sail canvas & materials for yachting & sailing boats |
4370 |
T06 |
Tou: Tourism Non-Vat Payable |
4370 |
T07 |
Hot: Construction Order ICD & VAT Exempt |
4370 |
T08 |
Radio & TV broadcasting instruments, equipment & materials |
4370 |
V01 |
Amateur radio equipment |
4370 |
V02 |
Sea island cotton goods bearing trade mark |
4370 |
V03 |
Patterns & samples rendered un-merchantable |
4370 |
V04 |
Advertising material having no commercial value |
4370 |
V05 |
Honorary distinctions/prizes -cups, medals, trophies, etc. |
4370 |
V06 |
Artificial flowers, miniature flags, buttons, emblems, etc. |
4370 |
V07 |
Government contracts -materials, vehicles, equipment |
4370 |
V08 |
Economic development assistance -goods free of charge for |
4370 |
V09 |
Religious denominations -decorations, vestments, alter bread & wine |
4370 |
V10 |
Articles for religious worship -vat exempt |
4370 |
V11 |
Containers/coverings in which goods not liable to ad-valorem duty |
4370 |
V12 |
Uniforms & equipment for boy scouts/girl scouts & brigade assocs. |
4370 |
V13 |
Meteorological observ, scientific, medical -goods imported for |
4370 |
V14 |
Charitable, welfare or service -goods imported for |
4370 |
V15 |
Protective clothing & equipment for industry |
4370 |
V16 |
Archeological sites & artifacts -goods imported for recovery & restore |
4370 |
V17 |
Clothing donated for indigent school children |
4370 |
V18 |
Specimens illustrative or natural history |
4370 |
V19 |
Firefighting & detecting equipment, vehicles, materials, etc. |
4370 |
V20 |
Films, filmstrips, microfilms & sound recordings for educ/sci/cultural |
4370 |
V21 |
Tombstones & memorials engraved |
4370 |
V22 |
Disaster relief & rehabilitation goods |
4370 |
V23 |
Agr: animals for breeding, poultry eggs f/hatching, semen for insemination |
4371 |
A01 |
Agr: beehives & bee-keeping accessories |
4371 |
A02 |
Agr: tools & implements includ. those driven by mechanical forces |
4371 |
A03 |
Agr: fencing wire as desc. in heading 73.13,73.14,74.13, 74.14 |
4371 |
A04 |
Agr: tractor tyres & tubes for agricultural purposes |
4371 |
A05 |
Agr: apparatus incl. storage tanks & water pipes for spraying & irrigation |
4371 |
A06 |
Agr: remedies for disease/prevention insect attack on plants/livestock |
4371 |
A07 |
Agr: medicinal preps, biological products f/treatment of animal disease |
4371 |
A08 |
Dip: diplomatic missions or consulate & members, goods imported for |
4371 |
D01 |
Dip: international organizations & their personnel, goods imported for |
4371 |
D02 |
Edu: for educational institutions supplies, equipment, instruments, etc |
4371 |
E01 |
Edu: for cultural institutions supplies, equip, instruments & apparatus |
4371 |
E02 |
Edu: materials for the construction, renovation & extension of institution |
4371 |
E03 |
Edu: equipment & supplies for sports |
4371 |
E04 |
Edu: academic robes admitted as such by dir. general of finance |
4371 |
E05 |
Fsh: fishing nets & gear & sail material including thread |
4371 |
F01 |
Fsh: fishing lines, hooks & lures, seine twine, fish wire, etc. |
4371 |
F02 |
Fsh: desk equipment, line & pot haulers, capstans, winches, trolling etc |
4371 |
F03 |
Fsh: life-saving equipment, life-jackets, life buoys, buoyant, etc. |
4371 |
F04 |
Fsh: inboard marine engines vat exempt |
4371 |
F05 |
Gov: central government, goods imported by -directly |
4371 |
G01 |
Gov: municipality, local gov or other public body, goods imported for |
4371 |
G02 |
Gov: head of state, goods imported by or for the use of |
4371 |
G03 |
Gov: prime minister, goods imported by or for the use of |
4371 |
G04 |
Gov: contractual agreements, goods imported for |
4371 |
G05 |
Gov: statutory bodies, goods imported for |
4371 |
G06 |
Gov: contractual agreements CSC & VAT payable |
4371 |
G07 |
Gov: central government, goods imported on behalf-indirectly |
4371 |
G09 |
Health: equipment & vehicles, drugs, medical, surgical & lab supplies |
4371 |
H01 |
Health: materials f/construction, furnishing, etc. of hospitals & vets |
4371 |
H02 |
Health: hearing aids, crutches, wheelchairs, etc for the disabled & blind |
4371 |
H03 |
Health: to her goods for the mentally impaired or phys. disabled |
4371 |
H04 |
Health: medical preparations, drugs & appl. to treat diabetes & hypertension |
4371 |
H05 |
Health: tools of trade for the disabled |
4371 |
H06 |
Health: ambulances |
4371 |
I06 |
Ind: material & equipment for forestry |
4371 |
I07 |
Mil: military forces, goods imported by or for the use of |
4371 |
M01 |
Mil: arms, ammunition, uniforms accouterments & equipment, etc |
4371 |
M02 |
Air: aircraft & their component parts, accessories & instruments |
4371 |
R01 |
Air: ground & technical equipment |
4371 |
R02 |
Air: fuel & lubricants taken out of bond |
4371 |
R03 |
Air: consumable stores for use in aircraft in flight |
4371 |
R04 |
Shp: boat equipment for commercial shipping |
4371 |
S01 |
Shp: navigational equipment for commercial shipping |
4371 |
S02 |
Shp: sail canvas & sail material for commercial shipping |
4371 |
S03 |
Shp: marine engines as approved by cabinet |
4371 |
S04 |
Shp: boats as approved by cabinet |
4371 |
S05 |
Hot: building materials for 1st installation |
4371 |
T01 |
Hot: building materials for renovation & extension |
4371 |
T02 |
Hot: equipment & appliances for initial equipping |
4371 |
T03 |
Hot: equipment & appliances for renovation or extension |
4371 |
T04 |
Tou: sports recreational equipment incl. windsurfing & diving |
4371 |
T06 |
Radio & TV broadcasting instruments, equipment & materials |
4371 |
V01 |
Amateur radio equipment |
4371 |
V02 |
Sea island cotton goods bearing trade mark |
4371 |
V03 |
Patterns & samples rendered un-merchantable |
4371 |
V04 |
Advertising material having no commercial value |
4371 |
V06 |
Honorary distinctions/prizes -cups, medals, trophies, etc. |
4371 |
V07 |
Artificial flowers, miniature flags, buttons, emblems, etc. |
4371 |
V08 |
Government contracts -materials, vehicles, equipment |
4371 |
V09 |
Economic development assistance -goods free of charge for |
4371 |
V10 |
Religious denominations -decorations, vestments, alter bread & wine |
4371 |
V11 |
Articles for religious worship -vat exempt |
4371 |
V12 |
Containers/coverings in which goods not liable to ad-valorem duty |
4371 |
V13 |
Uniforms & equipment for boy scouts/girl scouts & brigade assocs. |
4371 |
V14 |
Meteorological observ, scientific, medical -goods imported for |
4371 |
V15 |
Charitable, welfare or service -goods imported for |
4371 |
V16 |
Protective clothing & equipment for industry |
4371 |
V17 |
Archeological sites & artifacts -goods imported for recovery & restore |
4371 |
V18 |
Clothing donated for indigent school children |
4371 |
V19 |
Specimens illustrative or natural history |
4371 |
V20 |
Fire fighting & detecting equipment, vehicles, materials, etc. |
4371 |
V21 |
Films, filmstrips, microfilms & sound recordings for educ/sci/cultural |
4371 |
V22 |
Tombstones & memorials engraved |
4371 |
V23 |
Ind: machinery, equipment, materials & parts for industry |
4400 |
I01 |
Ind: building material 1st installation of industry |
4400 |
I02 |
Ind: building material for extension of industry |
4400 |
I03 |
Ind: packaging material |
4400 |
I04 |
Ind: packaging material for the manufacture of containers |
4400 |
I05 |
Ind: material & equipment for forestry |
4400 |
I06 |
Ind: material & equipment for mining |
4400 |
I07 |
Ind: raw material for animal feed production |
4400 |
I08 |
Ind: Electric Vehicle & Spare Parts |
4400 |
I09 |
Ind: ECGC Flour Mill waiver 100% I. DUTY & 50% CSC |
4400 |
I10 |
Ind: non-vat reg. importer machinery, equip, materials & parts |
4400 |
IA1 |
Ind: non-vat reg importer building materials for extension |
4400 |
IA3 |
Ind: non-vat reg importer packaging material |
4400 |
IA4 |
Ind: non-vat reg importer packaging material for containers |
4400 |
IA5 |
Ind: 100% machinery, equip, bldg mat, parts |
4400 |
IF1 |
Ind: 100% raw material, intermediate goods, consumables |
4400 |
IF2 |
Ind: 100% packaging material |
4400 |
IF3 |
Ind: 100% vehicles, boats, jacks & parts |
4400 |
IF4 |
Ind: Cabinet Waiver 50% VAT on Fiscal Incentive |
4400 |
W70 |
Ind: machinery, equipment, materials & parts for industry |
4470 |
I01 |
Ind: building material 1st installation of industry |
4470 |
I02 |
Ind: building material for extension of industry |
4470 |
I03 |
Ind: packaging material |
4470 |
I04 |
Ind: packaging material for the manufacture of containers |
4470 |
I05 |
Ind: non-vat reg. importer machinery, equip, materials & parts |
4470 |
IA1 |
Ind: non-vat reg importer building materials for extension |
4470 |
IA3 |
Ind: non-vat reg importer packaging material |
4470 |
IA4 |
Ind: non-vat reg importer packaging material for containers |
4470 |
IA5 |
Ind: 100% machinery, equip,bldg mat,parts |
4470 |
IF1 |
Ind: 100% raw material, intermediate goods, consumables |
4470 |
IF2 |
Ind: 100% packaging material |
4470 |
IF3 |
Ind: 100% vehicles, boats,jacks & parts |
4470 |
IF4 |
Ind: machinery, equipment, materials & parts for industry |
4471 |
I01 |
Ind: building material 1st installation of industry |
4471 |
I02 |
Ind: building material for extension of industry |
4471 |
I03 |
Ind: packaging material |
4471 |
I04 |
Ind: packaging material for the manufacture of containers |
4471 |
I05 |
Ind: non-vat reg. importer machinery, equip, materials & parts |
4471 |
IA1 |
Ind: non-vat reg importer building materials for extension |
4471 |
IA3 |
Ind: non-vat reg importer packaging material |
4471 |
IA4 |
Ind: non-vat reg importer packaging material for containers |
4471 |
IA5 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of i.duty, excise, csc & vat |
4471 |
W12 |
Agr: fertilizers imported as agricultural inputs -vat exempt |
4500 |
A20 |
Agr: seeds & seedlings imported as agricultural inputs -vat exempt |
4500 |
A21 |
National lottery act goods imported for |
4500 |
L01 |
National insurance services, goods imported under |
4500 |
L02 |
Housing & land development corp. goods imported under |
4500 |
L03 |
SVG port authority agreement, goods imported under |
4500 |
L04 |
Carnival Dev. Corporation, goods imported under Act# 52 of 2002 |
4500 |
L05 |
International Business Co: Goods imported under Act#34 |
4500 |
L06 |
Limited Liability Company Chapter 151 Sec 91 (8) (a) Revised Law 2009 |
4500 |
L08 |
CWSA agreement, goods imported under |
4500 |
L10 |
Vinlec agreement, goods imported under |
4500 |
L11 |
Postal corporation agreement, goods imported under |
4500 |
L12 |
Kingstown medical college, goods imported under agreement |
4500 |
L13 |
Trinity university school of medicine: goods imported under agr:19/06/0 |
4500 |
L14 |
Mustique company act, goods imported for Mustique co. |
4500 |
L20 |
Mustique house owners, goods imported under |
4500 |
L21 |
Canouan agreement, goods imported under |
4500 |
L22 |
CCYY agreement, goods imported under |
4500 |
L23 |
Goods: foodstuff imported by raffles under the CCA agreement |
4500 |
L24 |
Mustique company Direct Imports |
4500 |
L25 |
Canouan (CCA) Direct Imports |
4500 |
L26 |
Mustique company sales to home owners |
4500 |
L28 |
Canouan house owners, good imported under |
4500 |
L29 |
Banana growers association, goods imported under |
4500 |
L30 |
VAT exempt goods under the vat act no. 25 of 2007 |
4500 |
L35 |
VAT zero rated goods under the vat act no. 25 of 2007 |
4500 |
L36 |
Fiberglass or wooden boats: vat exempt under No.25 of 2007 |
4500 |
L37 |
Tourism Authority Act 39 of 2007 Sec. 27 |
4500 |
L39 |
Goods for home use relief from CSC under legislation |
4500 |
L40 |
SVG Activity Center CSC payable |
4500 |
L45 |
Roads Buildings and General Services Authority Act 23 of 2008 |
4500 |
L52 |
Contractual Agreement No. 1131 of 1997 I. Duty & EXC Exempt- Kelcom Ltd |
4500 |
L55 |
Social Investments Act 30 of 2003 I. Duty exempt |
4500 |
L57 |
Unsolicited goods imported value <= $130 EC -vat exempt |
4500 |
P20 |
Goods cleared under multiple authorities: cond. duty exemption & CSC act |
4500 |
U01 |
Goods entered under multiple authorities: cond. duty exemption CSC & VAT |
4500 |
U02 |
Goods entered under multiple authorities: CSC AND VAT act |
4500 |
U03 |
Goods entered under multiple authorities: excise, CSC & VAT acts |
4500 |
U04 |
Agr: fertilizers imported as agricultural inputs -vat exempt |
4570 |
A20 |
Agr: seeds & seedlings imported as agricultural inputs -vat exempt |
4570 |
A21 |
National lottery act goods imported for |
4570 |
L01 |
National insurance services, goods imported under |
4570 |
L02 |
Housing & land development corp. goods imported under |
4570 |
L03 |
SVG port authority agreement, goods imported under |
4570 |
L04 |
Carnival Dev. Corporation, goods imported under Act# 52 of 2002 |
4570 |
L05 |
Limited Liability Company Chapter 151 Sec 91 (8) (a) Revised Law 2009 |
4570 |
L08 |
International Business Co: Goods imported under Act#34 |
4570 |
L06 |
CWSA agreement, goods imported under |
4570 |
L10 |
Vinlec agreement, goods imported under |
4570 |
L11 |
Postal corporation agreement, goods imported under |
4570 |
L12 |
Kingstown medical college, goods imported under agreement |
4570 |
L13 |
Trinity university school of medicine: goods imported under agr:19/06/0 |
4570 |
L14 |
Mustique company act, goods imported for Mustique co. |
4570 |
L20 |
Mustique house owners, goods imported under |
4570 |
L21 |
Canouan agreement, goods imported under |
4570 |
L22 |
CCYY agreement, goods imported under |
4570 |
L23 |
Goods: foodstuff imported by raffles under the CCA agreement |
4570 |
L24 |
Banana grower’s association, goods imported under |
4570 |
L30 |
VAT exempt goods under the vat act no. 25 of 2007 |
4570 |
L35 |
VAT zero rated goods under the vat act no. 25 of 2007 |
4570 |
L36 |
Fiberglass or wooden boats: vat exempt under No.25 of 2007 |
4570 |
L37 |
Tourism Authority Act 39 of 2007 Sec. 27 |
4570 |
L39 |
Goods for home use relief from CSC under legislation |
4570 |
L40 |
SVG Activity Center CSC payable |
4570 |
L45 |
Roads Buildings and General Services Authority Act 23 of 2008 |
4570 |
L52 |
Contractual Agreement No. 1131 of 1997 I. Duty & EXC Exempt- Kelcom Ltd |
4570 |
L55 |
Social Investments Act 30 of 2003 I. Duty exempt |
4570 |
L57 |
Goods cleared under multiple authorities: cond. duty exemption & CSC act |
4570 |
U01 |
Goods entered under multiple authorities: cond. duty exemption CSC & VAT |
4570 |
U02 |
Goods entered under multiple authorities: CSC AND VAT act |
4570 |
U03 |
Goods entered under multiple authorities: excise, CSC & VAT acts |
4570 |
U04 |
Cabinet waiver 100% on VEHICLE SURTAX |
4570 |
W71 |
Agr: farmers vehicle concession |
4700 |
A10 |
Parliamentarians motor vehicles concession |
4700 |
C01 |
Special cabinet concession for political parties |
4700 |
C02 |
Special cabinet concession on vehicles for churches |
4700 |
C03 |
Special cabinet concession on vehicles of 8704 for non-vat registered |
4700 |
C04 |
Special barrel concession on foodstuff or clothing (large) |
4700 |
C05 |
Special cabinet concession on barrels on foodstuff or clothing (small) |
4700 |
C06 |
Computer hardware and software concession |
4700 |
C07 |
Special Cabinet Waiver on Vehicles 75% on Managers of Stat. Bodies |
4700 |
C08 |
Large crate special conc. On foodstuff or clothing for home use |
4700 |
C09 |
Special cabinet concession on facsimile machines |
4700 |
C10 |
Cabinet concession waiver 100% I. DUTY & VAT Christmas Décor and Lights |
4700 |
C11 |
Edu: motor vehicles imported under concession for use in education |
4700 |
E10 |
Edu: motor vehicle imported under concession 50% for use in education |
4700 |
E11 |
Fish: Fishing Vessels for Registered Fishers 100% Waiver ICD & VAT |
4700 |
F08 |
Senior civil servants motor vehicles concession |
4700 |
G10 |
Returning national motor vehicles concession |
4700 |
P10 |
Returning nationals household effects use & new |
4700 |
P11 |
Yachting sector goods & material imported for |
4700 |
S10 |
Tou: motor vehicles imported under concession used in tourism industry |
4700 |
T10 |
Edu: Special cabinet concession on New School Buses 85% IDUTY, EXT & VAT |
4700 |
TR1 |
Cabinet waiver 100% on all taxes |
4700 |
W01 |
Cabinet waiver 100% on IMPORT DUTY |
4700 |
W02 |
Cabinet waiver 100% on IMP.DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4700 |
W03 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of CSC |
4700 |
W04 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of VAT |
4700 |
W05 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of IMP.DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4700 |
W06 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% on IMP.DUTY, EXCISE, & CSC |
4700 |
W07 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of IMP.DUTY, EXCISE & VAT |
4700 |
W08 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY & VAT |
4700 |
W09 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of I. DUTY, EXCISE, VSURTAX & VAT |
4700 |
W10 |
Cabinet waiver 100% on I. DUTY, CSC & VAT |
4700 |
W11 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of I. DUTY, EXCISE, CSC & VAT |
4700 |
W12 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY & CSC |
4700 |
W13 |
Cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY, EXCISE, CSC, VAT & BOTTLE LEVY |
4700 |
W14 |
Cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY, CSC, VAT & BOTTLE LEVY |
4700 |
W17 |
Cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY, VAT & BOTTLE LEVY |
4700 |
W18 |
Cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY, EXCISE TAX & SURTAX |
4700 |
W19 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% on all taxes |
4700 |
W20 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of IMPORT DUTY |
4700 |
W21 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of EXCISE TAX |
4700 |
W22 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of CSC |
4700 |
W23 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of VAT |
4700 |
W24 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of IMP.DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4700 |
W25 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% IMP.DUTY, EXCISE & CSC |
4700 |
W26 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of IMP.DUTY, EXCISE & VAT |
4700 |
W27 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of I. DUTY & VAT |
4700 |
W28 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of I. DUTY, CSC & VAT |
4700 |
W29 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% CSC & VAT |
4700 |
W30 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% CSC & VAT |
4700 |
W31 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% CSC & VAT |
4700 |
W32 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% on all taxes |
4700 |
W40 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of IMPORT DUTY |
4700 |
W41 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of EXCISE TAX |
4700 |
W42 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of CSC |
4700 |
W43 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of VAT |
4700 |
W44 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of IMP.DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4700 |
W45 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of IMP.DUTY, EXCISE & CSC |
4700 |
W46 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% IMP.DUTY, EXCISE & VAT |
4700 |
W47 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of I. DUTY & VAT |
4700 |
W48 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of I. DUTY, CSC & VAT |
4700 |
W49 |
Special cabinet waiver for carnival |
4700 |
W50 |
Cabinet waiver 50% I. DUTY, VAT & 100% EXCISE TAX |
4700 |
W52 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% I. Duty on Fishing Pirogue |
4700 |
W55 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% I. Duty on Fishing Pirogue |
4700 |
W56 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. Duty on Fishing Pirogue |
4700 |
W57 |
Special cabinet waiver 35% I. DUTY & VAT |
4700 |
W58 |
Special cabinet waiver 30% I. DUTY, EXCISE TAX & VAT |
4700 |
W59 |
Special cabinet waiver 25% on ALL TAXES |
4700 |
W60 |
Special cabinet waiver 25% I. DUTY |
4700 |
W62 |
Special cabinet waiver 25% EXCISE TAX |
4700 |
W63 |
Special cabinet wavier 25% CSC |
4700 |
W64 |
Special cabinet waiver 25% VAT |
4700 |
W65 |
Special cabinet wavier 25% I. DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4700 |
W66 |
Special cabinet waiver 25% I. DUTY, EXCISE TAX & VAT |
4700 |
W67 |
Special cabinet waiver 25% I. DUTY & VAT |
4700 |
W68 |
Special cabinet waiver 25% I. DUTY, EXCISE TAX & CSC |
4700 |
W69 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% on VEHICLE SURTAX |
4700 |
W71 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY & VAT on cleaning supplies for COVID19 |
4700 |
W72 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY & VAT on Water Tanks |
4700 |
W73 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY & VAT on Water Pumps, Pressure Washers and Pressure Hoses |
4700 |
W74 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY, CSC, VAT & TVL |
4700 |
W75 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY & VAT on Grains & Animal Feed |
4700 |
W76 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY, CSC, SURTAX & VAT |
4700 |
W78 |
Agr: farmers vehicle concession |
4770 |
A10 |
Parliamentarians motor vehicles concession |
4770 |
C01 |
Special cabinet concession for political parties |
4770 |
C02 |
Special cabinet concession on vehicles for churches |
4770 |
C03 |
Special cabinet concession on vehicles of 8704 for non-vat registered |
4770 |
C04 |
Special barrel concession on foodstuff or clothing (large) |
4770 |
C07 |
Special Cabinet Waiver on Vehicles 75% on Managers of Stat. Bodies |
4770 |
C08 |
Special cabinet concession on barrels on foodstuff or clothing (small) |
4770 |
C10 |
Edu: motor vehicles imported under concession for use in education |
4770 |
E10 |
Edu: motor vehicle imported under concession 50% for use in education |
4770 |
E11 |
Fish: Fishing Vessels for Registered Fishers 100% Waiver ICD & VAT |
4770 |
F08 |
Senior civil servants motor vehicles concession |
4770 |
G10 |
Returning national motor vehicles concession |
4770 |
P10 |
Yachting sector goods & material imported for |
4770 |
S10 |
Tou: motor vehicles imported under concession used in tourism industry |
4770 |
T10 |
Edu: Special cabinet waiver on New School Buses 85% IDUTY, EXT & VAT |
4770 |
TR1 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% on ALL TAXES |
4770 |
W01 |
Cabinet waiver 100% on IMPORT DUTY |
4770 |
W02 |
Cabinet waiver 100% on IMPORT DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4770 |
W03 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of VAT |
4770 |
W05 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of IMP.DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4770 |
W06 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of IMP.DUTY, EXCISE & VAT |
4770 |
W08 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY & VAT |
4770 |
W09 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of I. DUTY, EXCISE, VSURTAX & VAT |
4770 |
W10 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% on I. DUTY, CSC & VAT |
4770 |
W11 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% on I. DUTY, EXCISE, CSC & VAT |
4770 |
W12 |
Ferry EX Bond waiver 100% I. DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4700 |
W16 |
Cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY, EXCISE TAX & SURTAX |
4700 |
W19 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of IMPORT DUTY |
4770 |
W21 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of EXCISE TAX |
4770 |
W22 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of VAT |
4770 |
W24 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of IMP.DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4770 |
W25 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of IMP.DUTY, EXCISE & VAT |
4770 |
W27 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of I. DUTY & VAT |
4770 |
W28 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% on ALL TAXES |
4770 |
W40 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of IMPORT DUTY |
4770 |
W41 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of EXCISE TAX |
4770 |
W42 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of VAT |
4770 |
W44 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of IMP.DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4770 |
W45 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% IMP.DUTY, EXCISE & VAT |
4770 |
W47 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of I. DUTY & VAT |
4770 |
W48 |
Special cabinet waiver for carnival |
4770 |
W50 |
Special cabinet waiver 35% I. DUTY & VAT |
4770 |
W58 |
Special cabinet waiver 30% I. DUTY, EXCISE TAX & VAT |
4770 |
W59 |
Special cabinet waiver 25% I. DUTY |
4770 |
W62 |
Special cabinet waiver 25% EXCISE TAX |
4770 |
W63 |
Special cabinet waiver 25% VAT |
4770 |
W65 |
Special cabinet wavier 25% I. DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4770 |
W66 |
Special cabinet waiver 25% I. DUTY, EXCISE TAX & VAT |
4770 |
W67 |
Special cabinet waiver 25% I. DUTY & VAT |
4770 |
W68 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% on VEHICLE SURTAX |
4770 |
W71 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY & VAT on cleaning supplies for COVID19 |
4770 |
W72 |
Agr: farmers vehicle concession |
4771 |
A10 |
Parliamentarians motor vehicles concession |
4771 |
C01 |
Special cabinet concession for political parties |
4771 |
C02 |
Special cabinet concession on vehicles for churches |
4771 |
C03 |
Special cabinet concession on vehicles of 8704 for non-VAT registered |
4771 |
C04 |
Special barrel concession on foodstuff or clothing (large) |
4771 |
C07 |
Special Cabinet Waiver on Vehicles 75% on Managers of Stat. Bodies |
4771 |
C08 |
Special cabinet concession on barrels on foodstuff or clothing (small) |
4771 |
C10 |
Edu: motor vehicles imported under concession for use in education |
4771 |
E10 |
Edu: motor vehicle imported under concession 50% for use in education |
4771 |
E11 |
Senior civil servants motor vehicles concession |
4771 |
G10 |
Yachting sector goods & material imported for |
4771 |
S10 |
Cabinet waiver 100% on IMPORT DUTY |
4771 |
W02 |
Cabinet waiver 100% on IMP.DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4771 |
W03 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of VAT |
4771 |
W05 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of IMP.DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4771 |
W06 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of IMP.DUTY, EXCISE & VAT |
4771 |
W08 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY & VAT |
4771 |
W09 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of I. DUTY, EXCISE, VSURTAX & VAT |
4771 |
W10 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% on all taxes |
4771 |
W20 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of IMPORT DUTY |
4771 |
W21 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of EXCISE TAX |
4771 |
W22 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of VAT |
4771 |
W24 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of IMP.DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4771 |
W25 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of IMP.DUTY, EXCISE & VAT |
4771 |
W27 |
Special cabinet waiver 75% of I. DUTY & VAT |
4771 |
W28 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of IMPORT DUTY |
4771 |
W41 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of EXCISE TAX |
4771 |
W42 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of VAT |
4771 |
W44 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of IMP.DUTY & EXCISE TAX |
4771 |
W45 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% IMP.DUTY, EXCISE & VAT |
4771 |
W47 |
Special cabinet waiver 50% of I. DUTY & VAT |
4771 |
W48 |
Special cabinet waiver for carnival |
4771 |
W50 |
Special cabinet waiver 25% on all taxes |
4771 |
W60 |
Common regime |
4900 |
000 |
Common regime |
5100 |
000 |
Temporary imports covered by bond VAT & CSC payable |
5100 |
818 |
Temporary imports Duty liability covered by Bond CSC payable |
5100 |
820 |
Temporary imports Duty liability covered by Bond: CSC Waived |
5100 |
821 |
Temporary imports covered by bond VAT payable |
5100 |
823 |
Special cabinet concession for political parties |
5100 |
C02 |
Gov: Central Government, Goods imported by Directly |
5100 |
G01 |
SVG Port Authority agreement, goods imported under act 26/1987 |
5100 |
L04 |
Carnival Dev. Corporation, Goods imported under ACT 52 of 2002 |
5100 |
L05 |
VINLEC agreement, goods imported under |
5100 |
L11 |
5100 |
L22 |
Cabinet waiver 100% on all taxes |
5100 |
W01 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% on I. DUTY, EXCISE & CSC |
5100 |
W07 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY & VAT |
5100 |
W09 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of I. DUTY, EXCISE, VSURTAX & VAT |
5100 |
W10 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% of I. DUTY, CSC & VAT |
5100 |
W11 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY, EXCISE, CSC & VAT |
5100 |
W12 |
Special cabinet waiver 100% I. DUTY, EXCISE & VAT |
5100 |
W50 |
Common regime |
5200 |
000 |
Temporary imports Duty liability covered by Bond CSC payable |
5200 |
820 |
Temporary imports Duty liability covered by Bond: CSC Waived |
5200 |
821 |
Asycuda re-import unaltered 100% on all duties |
6000 |
822 |
Common regime |
6010 |
000 |
Goods Re-Imported After Outright Exportation Not Liable to duty |
6010 |
825 |
Re-importation after outright export CSC payable |
6010 |
827 |
Bottles re-imported after re-exportation |
6010 |
840 |
Computer Hardware and software concession |
6010 |
C07 |
CWSA agreement, goods imported under |
6010 |
L10 |
VINLEC agreement, goods imported under |
6010 |
L11 |
Asycuda re-import unaltered 100% on all duties |
6021 |
822 |
Computer Hardware and Software concession |
6021 |
C07 |
Common regime |
6022 |
000 |
Common regime |
6023 |
000 |
Asycuda Re-import unaltered 100% on all duties |
6023 |
822 |
Computer Hardware and Software concession |
6023 |
C07 |
Ind: Machinery, Equipment, Materials & parts of industry |
6023 |
I01 |
Housing & Land Development Corp. Goods imported under |
6023 |
L03 |
CWSA Agreement, Goods imported under |
6023 |
L10 |
VINLEC Agreement, Goods imported under |
6023 |
L11 |
Mustique Company Act, Goods Imported for Mustique Co. |
6023 |
L20 |
Mustique House Owners, Goods imported under |
6023 |
L21 |
Canouan Agreement, Goods imported under |
6023 |
L22 |
Radio & TV Broadcasting Instruments, Equipment & Materials |
6023 |
V01 |
Common regime |
6030 |
000 |
Goods re-imported after direct re-exportation not liable to duty |
6030 |
826 |
Computer hardware and software concession |
6030 |
C07 |
Mustique house owners, goods imported under |
6030 |
L21 |
Common regime |
7000 |
000 |
Warehousing of opening stock into Private Warehouse |
7000 |
700 |
Mustique Petroleum warehousing Imports |
7000 |
749 |
Transfer of Goods in Private Warehouse or Duty-Free Shop |
7070 |
710 |
Mustique Petroleum Warehousing Imports |
7070 |
749 |
Transfer of Goods in Private Warehouse or Duty-Free Shop |
7071 |
710 |
Common regime |
7100 |
000 |
Warehousing of opening stock into Private Warehouse |
7100 |
700 |
Transfer of Goods in Private Warehouse or Duty-Free Shop |
7170 |
710 |
Transfer of Goods in Private Warehouse or Duty-Free Shop |
7171 |
710 |
Common regime |
8100 |
000 |
Temporary imports duty liability covered by bond: CSC waived |
8100 |
821 |
Transshipment Goods CSC Exempt by company |
8100 |
830 |
GOV: central government, goods imported by -directly |
8100 |
G01 |
Mustique Co. Direct imports |
8100 |
L25 |
Common regime |
8200 |
000 |
Transshipment Goods CSC Exempt by company |
8200 |
830 |
GOV: central government, goods imported by –directly |
8200 |
G01 |
Common regime |
9000 |
000 |
Common regime |
9070 |
000 |
Common regime |
9071 |
000 |
Common regime |
9100 |
000 |
Goods sold in auction after Warehouse in private warehouse |
9170 |
000 |
Goods sold in auction after Warehouse in duty free shop |
9171 |
000 |
Common regime |
9200 |
000 |
Common regime |
9370 |
000 |
Common regime |
9371 |
000 |
Head Office (Customs House)
Upper Bay Street, Kingstown
784-457-2421 / 457-2711
Copyright © 2023 - 2025 St.Vincent & the Grenadines Customs & Excise Department | Sitemap