Government of Saint Vincent & the Grenadines

784-457-2421 / 457-2711


Post Clearance Audit Unit (PCAU)


The Post Clearance Audit Unit (PCAU) is task with the responsibility as the name suggest auditing all importation to the state in pursuant of Section 97of CAP 422 (Revised Laws of St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2009).  The Comptroller will first write to the importer/consignee informing him/her of the type of audit, our focus, their requirements and the principal contact person.  

At the end of the audit a report is submitted to the Comptroller for information and necessary action.  The Comptroller will then write the importer and inform him/her of or findings and outline any additional requirements and or recommendations for future compliance.  If non-compliance is identified it will be corrected and a re-determination will be made for the transaction verified.

Ensuring Compliance and Safeguarding Revenue: Roles of Customs and Excise Post Clearance Audit Unit (PCAU)

The Customs and Excise Post Clearance Audit Unit (PCAU) is tasked with critical responsibilities aimed at fortifying customs procedures, ensuring compliance, and safeguarding national revenue. The following concise outline delineates its pivotal roles:

1. Risk Assessment:

  • Identify and assess potential risks associated with customs declarations and transactions.

  • Utilize data analysis tools to pinpoint high-risk areas for further scrutiny.

2. Audit Planning:

  • Develop audit plans based on risk assessments and compliance priorities.

  • Collaborate with relevant departments to ensure comprehensive coverage of audit activities.

3. Document Verification:

  • Scrutinize supporting documents submitted with customs declarations for accuracy and authenticity.

  • Verify the conformity of declared information with actual goods and transactions.

4. Compliance Review:

  • Evaluate adherence to customs laws, regulations, and trade agreements.

  • Ensure importers and exporters comply with tariff classifications, valuation rules, and origin requirements.

5. Post-Clearance Control:

  • Conduct post-clearance audits to verify the correctness of customs declarations after goods have been released.

  • Address discrepancies identified during the post-clearance phase.

6. Communication and Collaboration:

  • Collaborate with other government agencies, customs authorities, and international organizations to share information and best practices.

  • Communicate audit findings and recommendations to relevant stakeholders.

7. Continuous Improvement:

  • Regularly review and refine audit methodologies to adapt to changing trade dynamics.

  • Seek feedback from stakeholders and incorporate lessons learned for continuous improvement.

8. Enforcement and Penalties:

  • Recommend enforcement actions in cases of non-compliance, including penalties and sanctions.

  • Coordinate with legal authorities for prosecution if necessary.

9. Audit Planning:

  • Prepare comprehensive reports summarizing audit findings, recommendations, and compliance levels.

  • Submit timely reports to management.

10. Customer Service:

  • Provide assistance and guidance to traders for compliance with customs regulations.

  • Foster a collaborative and transparent relationship with the business community.

Through meticulous execution of these tasks and responsibilities, the Customs and Excise Post Clearance Audit Unit stands as a bulwark, ensuring the integrity of customs processes, promoting compliance, and safeguarding the nation's revenue.

Contact Us

Head Office (Customs House)

      Upper Bay Street, Kingstown

784-457-2421 / 457-2711


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