Government of Saint Vincent & the Grenadines

784-457-2421 / 457-2711


Importation of Vehicles


Published Thu July 25, 2024

Arrangements for shipping a vehicle are made by the owner. Have your shipper or carrier notify you of the vehicle’s arrival date so that you can clear it early and not incur additional Port or Customs charges. You will also need to employ a licensed Customs Broker to handle the preparation of the Customs Declaration. 

The following steps will then take place:

  1. Importer contacts and engages a customs broker.

  2. The customs broker prepares a bill of sight with the vehicle specification.

  3. The customs broker then submits the bill of sight to the Valuation Unit for verification.

  4. The Valuation Unit verifies the particulars on the bill of sight; adds observation (s) ifany; then signs and affixes the valuation stamp on to the form, as a form of approval for other dependent processes.

  5. The customs broker will then prepare the Customs declaration within the ASYCUDAWorld application, using the bill of sight, commercial invoice and other supporting documents.

  6. Supporting documents for customs declaration include:

    • An original invoice from the suppliers indicating:
      • -the condition of sale

      • -the supplier’s name

      • -the buyer’s name

      • -the price paid or payable

      • -the terms of delivery e.g., C.I.F, F.O.B, or C&F

      • -Full description of the vehicle (type, model, engine number or VIN number, colour, engine size, and weight).

    • Valuation approved Bill of Sight containing vehicle specification.

    • Contract of sale if applicable

    • The shipper’s or carrier’s bill of lading

    • Insurance Certificate, if applicable

    • Export / Cancellation Certificate

  7. After the declaration is prepared, the broker will then perform a function inside the ASYCUDA World application called ‘validate and Assess’, to ascertain the duties and taxes payable on the vehicle.

  8. Payment must then be made at a Customs Cashier; or by the broker at the point ofassessment (if the importer has a prepayment account with the Customs Department). To make payment at the cashier a copy of the assessment notice is needed (a printout is obtained from the broker), along with the payment.

  9. While at the cashier a second copy of the customs declaration is stamped with a dutypaid – for licensing purposes at the Inland Revenue Department.

  10. After payment, a physical copy of the declaration with the original invoice; the first (1st) copy of the approved valuation bill of sight and the other supporting documents mentioned above is submitted to the customs Department through the Lodgment Desk.

  11. The declaration and its supporting documents will then go to the relevant sections,responsible for the checking and processing of the declaration.

  12. The status of the declaration can be viewed by the broker within the ASYCUDAWorld application; the broker can collect the declaration through the Lodgment Desk, once the checking process is completed or if there are any errors to correct.

  13. If there are errors, the broker will then correct those errors via the ASYCUDAapplication and make additional payment at the cashier if required; then resubmit the declaration through the Lodgment Desk for further checking.

  14. Once everything on the declaration is correct, the importer or the broker can proceedto the clearance station, where the vehicle is located for release.

  15. The Customs Officer at the clearance station will issue a release order document tothe importer or agent. This release order is then taken to the Port Authority, along with the delivery from the vessel agent to obtain Gate Pass. Before the Port Authority issues a gate pass payment (s) for tailgates and/or storage must be paid.

Revised Regime For Motor Vehicles


Revised Excise and Import Duty Taxes

New Surcharge

Vehicle Calculator

Contact Us

Head Office (Customs House)

      Upper Bay Street, Kingstown

784-457-2421 / 457-2711


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