Government of Saint Vincent & the Grenadines

784-457-2421 / 457-2711


A Private Bonded Warehouse is any secure building or place appointed by the Comptroller of Customs by notification to be a private warehouse for the storing and securing of goods without the payment of duties and taxes. Duties and taxes must be subsequently paid via a Customs entry/declaration when there is a request for release of the goods by the importer for home consumption or for export. This type of warehouse is subject to strict Customs controls and restrictions.

Conditions Necessary to Operate a Bonded Warehouse

A person who wishes to operate a Private Bonded Warehouse must meet the following requirements as are stipulated under PART VII and VIII of the Customs (Control and Management) Act Chapter 422.

The applicant must;

  • Submit application in writing to Comptroller of Customs.
  • Ensure that location be satisfactory to Customs.

Once approval is granted to operate the warehouse, the warehouse Keeper must;

  • Give security in the form of Banker’s Bond.
  • Ensure that the building be secured with two (2) padlocks for Customs and warehouse operator.
  • Ensure that only goods approved to be ware house are so done
  • Ensure that only full cartons/cases are warehoused.


  • No goods of any class or description specified in the First Schedule of the Customs Control and Management Act (CAP 422) may be warehoused.
  • Pay an Annual License Fee of $1000.00 for every closed warehouse, $750.00 for every open warehouse or 1% of the quantum of the bond, whichever is greater.
  • Pay all charges in respect of visits by Customs officers at the warehouse.


  • Prepare Customs entries for goods received in or delivered from the warehouse.
  • Keep proper record of receipts and deliveries.
  • Insurance goods against loss.


Goods not permitted to be warehoused on Importation

Section 48 of the CCMA excludes certain goods from being warehoused on importation. See list of goods in First Schedule of the Customs (Control and Management) Act Chapter 422 (See Pages 75-76)

Warehousing Procedures

The procedures outlined hereunder deal specifically with the requirements concerning the warehousing of goods on the Entry for Warehousing as follows:

    • Entry for Warehousing is prepared by the importer from invoices and other relevant documents.


    • This is submitted to the Customs Inventory Audit Unit, Customs House Kingstown for checking, acceptance and signature.


    • Documents are taken to the Import Station for release of the goods to the Warehouse.


    • At the Warehouse, the goods are tallied and examined, and an account is taken of the contents of the packages by the warehouse keeper and the Customs Officer.


    • Each package is marked with the rotation number that is assigned.


Delivery of Goods from Warehouse

The purpose for which goods are delivered from a Warehouse determines the type of entry that will be necessary to facilitate clearance. In this regard there are three (3) clear distinctions which can be made and these are:

  • Deliveries for local consumption.


  • Deliveries for Export.


  • Removal from one Warehouse to another.


The appropriate Entry must be prepared by the importer and submitted to the Customs Inventory Audit Unit, Customs House Kingstown for verification and acceptance. In the case where duty is payable, all charges must be paid

Once the entry/declaration is correct, the Customs officer will accompany the warehouse keeper or representative to the private warehouse and deliver the goods in question.

Goods remaining in Warehouse after two(2) years

All goods remaining in bonded warehouse over two (2) years must be duty paid or may be sold in public auction to recover the duty liability

Contact Us

Head Office (Customs House)

      Upper Bay Street, Kingstown

784-457-2421 / 457-2711


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