Welcome to St. Vincent & the Grenadines Customs & Excise Department Website

784-457-2421 / 457-2711




Examination and Clearance of baggage

A passenger arriving from outside of St.Vincent and the Grenadines is required to:

  • to declare to Customs anything contained in their baggage or carried with them that has been obtained outside the country
  • produce travel documents to the examination officer as required
  • produce baggage for examination as required by the officer
  • answer all questions asked concerning his/her travel and baggage

An officer may refuse to process any passenger who does not present all baggage at the time of examination. Where baggage produced for examination belongs to more than one person (family/group), the owners must be present at the time of examination

Duty-free Allowance to Passengers

The following articles, if duly declared by an adult passenger (age 18yrs & over), shall be admitted free of duty namely;

  1. wine or spirit not exceeding in all; and
  2. tobacco, not exceeding half pound; or
  3. cigars not exceeding fifty in number; or
  4. cigarettes not exceeding two hundred in number

Quantities of Spirits and Tobacco that may be imported by a passenger

The following quantity of tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, spirit and wines may be imported by a adult passenger for his/her personal use and not for sale or exchange. Duty is payable on the quantities in excess of the duty free allowance to passengers.

  • Tobacco, cigars and/or cigarettes, five pounds weight in all;
  • Spirits, four gallons in all; and
  • Wines ten gallons in all;

Any greater quantity of any such articles shall be deemed to be cargo and be reported and treated as such.


Currency exceeding $10,000.00 (East Caribbean Dollars) or its equivalent in any foreign currency must make a declaration to the proper Customs Officer. Failure to declare such currency may result in its seizure.


Passengers travelling with medication are advised to ensure that prescription medicines are retained in the original container(s) affixed with labels showing name, date of issue and pharmacy or hospital.

Contact Us

Head Office (Customs House)

      Upper Bay Street, Kingstown


784-457-2421 / 457-2711


Copyright © 2023 - 2025   St.Vincent & the Grenadines

Customs & Excise Department.
