Government of Saint Vincent & the Grenadines

784-457-2421 / 457-2711


Organisational Chart and Management Profile



The CED has a complement of over two hundred staff members comprising one (1) Comptroller, two (2) Deputy Comptroller, two (2) Senior Assistant Comptrollers, one (1) Coordinator Asycuda, five (5) Assistant Comptrollers,System Administrators, Supervisors, Assistant Supervisors, Senior Officers, Junior Officers, Secretarial staff, one (1) Chief Guard, Senior and Junior Guards, boat captains and boat men and office attendants. The Comptroller of Customs is administratively responsible for the Department.


The Department is structured according to four (4) functional divisions. These are the:

  1. Operations Division
  2. Compliance Division
  3. Enforcement Division
  4. Administration Division

There is one (1) Deputy Comptroller who manages the Operations, Compliance and Enforcement Divisions with the other Deputy Comptroller responsible for the Administration division.

The Operations Division is headed by a Senior Asst. Comptroller with responsibility for Air and Sea Port Operations. The Division is managed by an Assistant Comptroller who is responsible for the examination and release of all cargo imported in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) and for the processing of all passengers arriving into SVG. This division includes the Transit shed- Kingstown, Campden Park Container Port, Baggage Room/Kingstown, Queens Warehouse #2, Chateaubelair, E. T. Joshua Airport, Air Cargo Shed and Air and Sea Operations in the Grenadines including the St. Lucia Hub.

The Compliance and Enforcement Divisions are headed by a Senior Asst. Comptroller with responsibility Post Clearance Audit Review and all activities that ensure compliance with the Customs laws and the security of the customs premises and goods under customs control.

These divisions, consists of two (2) main Sections the Post Clearance Audit Unit and the Enforcement, which is each managed by an Assistant Comptroller.

The Post Clearance Audit Section includes the Post Clearance Unit (Long Room), Inventory Audit (Warehousing), Internal Audit and Records Units.

The Enforcement Division includes, Preventive (Enforcement), Shipping and Cargo Reporting, Guard Force, Intelligence and Risk Management, Valuation and Marine Patrol Units.

The Administration Division contains three (3) main sections:

  1. Information Technology Section
  2. Accounts
  3. Research, Planning, and Human Resource Development

The Information Technology (IT) and Account Sections is headed by a Coordinator ASYCUDA and provides technological support geared towards information processing, developing more efficient systems and procedures, ensuring the smooth operation of the ASYCUDA System and other supporting systems and the collection and accounting for all revenues collected by the CED. It also provides services in overtime, refunds, prepayments and deposit accounts.

The Research, Planning, & Human Resource Development Section, is managed by an Assistant Comptroller charged with the direct responsibility for activities and services that attend to the needs of employees at the Department such as training and human resource development, and activities to recognize International Customs Day (ICD).



Contact Us

Head Office (Customs House)

      Upper Bay Street, Kingstown

784-457-2421 / 457-2711


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