Government of Saint Vincent & the Grenadines

784-457-2421 / 457-2711


International Customs Day 2025 Address

Mr. Selwyn DaSilva – Comptroller of Customs and Excise

Published Fri Jan 26, 2025


The Customs and Excise Department joins the family of the World Customs Organization (WCO) in celebrating International Customs Day on January 26, 2025, under the theme, “Customs Delivering on its Commitment to Efficiency, Security, and Prosperity.” It is no coincidence that this theme reflects the strategic mission of our department, which is to contribute to the development of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines through fair revenue collection, to protect the borders, and to facilitate legitimate trade and travel.

The Digital Transformation Project, a government initiative established to transform the country digitally, has mandated the Customs Department to embrace innovative solutions to simplify the complex, ever-changing demands of international trade. In a time when demand exceeds supply, efficiency defines the pace at which a small, vulnerable economy such as ours will grow, develop, and become prosperous.

I am humbled to be leading the process of transforming the Customs and Excise Department of St. Vincent and Grenadines into a paperless department while leveraging the latest technology to enhance Customs processes and generally reduce transactional costs to traders. The year 2025 will witness the onboarding of a number of paperless initiatives that will bring tangible benefits to all our stakeholders.

The St. Vincent and the Grenadines Single Window for Trade (VSWiFT), a component under the Digital Transformation project, will begin to evolve in the next six months. The Single Window will allow a cross-border trader to make a single submission of import and export documentation without having to go to multiple locations across different government agencies to obtain licences, permits, certificates and other documents to fulfill regulatory requirements. This integrated platform will expedite the clearance process, minimize delays, and facilitate smoother trade flows. The ultimate goal is to reduce the bureaucratic burden and create a more conducive environment for businesses to thrive, thereby fostering economic growth.

This coming week will see the launch of the e-payment portal, having completed the pilot phase with five major importers and brokers. The service will now be opened so that it can be utilized by all businesses and brokers. The introduction of the Customs e-Payment portal not only provides another mode of payment, it has revolutionized the way we do business using credit card. With e-Payment, our stakeholders can now complete their transactions swiftly and securely from the comfort of their homes or offices. This initiative has not only enhanced efficiency but also reduced the risk of errors and fraud, ensuring a more transparent and accountable process.

By leveraging technology and embracing digital solutions, we are positioning ourselves as a modern, forward-thinking Customs Administration, ready to meet the challenges of the future. Consequentially, there is a call for the trading community to also embrace technology and partner with the Customs Administration to build a competitive and robust trading infrastructure that will stimulate economic investment.

In commemorating this auspicious day, a week of activities will be held, commencing with a prayer breakfast and culminating with a cocktail. The activities are meant to bring awareness of the work of the Customs and Excise Department as well as to show appreciation to the staff for their hard work and unwavering commitment to duty. We are committed to digitally transforming our department to ensure the efficiency, security and prosperity of our multi-island State.

Contact Us

Head Office (Customs House)

      Upper Bay Street, Kingstown

784-457-2421 / 457-2711


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